Mothers Day sarah, May 5, 2024May 5, 2024 Follow us on Social Media facebook instagramAs we head into Mother’s Day, it makes me reflect on my journey as a Daughter, and how my relationship with my mother and and all the events that have shaped me as a person, and as a mother.I think back to the events, the memories that are imprinted in my mind and I wonder when my kids grow up what memories are the ones that are going to shape them.As I get older the words that are spoken fade, the Good and the bad but what doesn’t fade is the feelings… The feeling of joy, love that mum showed us as kids, the home cooked food, the way she tucked us in at night. The way that she supported us in all our endeavours, the way she would meet us at the end of our shift at Safeway and walk us home. My mum worked whilst I was growing up but I never thought of her as a working mum, its only now that I am a mother juggling work, business and family that I realise the hard work she put in, heading off to work nightshift whilst we were sleeping, arriving in time to make us breakfast in the morning. I never realised the sacrifices she made, but I do remember her teaching us Cards, I remember weekends spent doing puzzles, going for long walks together along the beach. Her instilling a love of reading in us. I remember her gentle rebukes when we did the wrong thing, not in anger but in love.I remember thinking that I could be, do anything that I wanted as Mum believed I could, but I also knew that it took work and she made sure we did. Homework was a priority, but family came first.What will my children remember?Will they remember me playing with them, teaching them cards, going for walks at the beach, Ice cream, doing puzzles, or will they remember me sitting by the computer tolling away.Will they remember the way I walk them to bed, Annabelle rose stories at night, the cuddles in the morning, the way I make their lunches, sing a longs in the car.Will they remember the way I am a taxi service running them from activities, therapy’s, Guitar. Teaching them to be part of the community around them.Will they remember the fun holidays, the Disney trips, the road trips? Will it teach them a love of travel as I have, the desire to learn more about the world around us, and the different communities within it.Will they remember the moments of frustration, trying to get them to clean their room, unstack the dishwasher? Or will this shape them into people with good work ethics, the drive to get the job done. Will they feel like I did, as being gently rebuked in love, not anger!Or is it more than that….. Will they remember the way that I love them, treasure them, each as individuals. When the music fades and we are left with our memories what will they remember, what will they treasure?Share on Social Media facebook linkedinShare this:FacebookXLike this:Like Loading... Family Parenting
Parenting What it means to be a Mum. May 12, 2023April 16, 2024 Follow us on Social Media facebook instagram As we head into Mother’s Day, and I… Share this:FacebookXLike this:Like Loading... Read More
Family Reflecting on the moments that shape us? What will shape your children? October 19, 2024October 19, 2024 Memory is such an important thing, it shapes so much of who we are. It gets me thinking back to the events, the memories that are imprinted in my mind and I wonder when my kids grow up, what are the memories that will shape them. As I get older the words that are spoken fade, the Good and the bad but what doesn’t fade is the feelings… The feeling of joy, the love that mum showed us as kids, the home-cooked food, the way she tucked us in at night. I still have fond memories of coming home from school to home cooked biscuits warming on the bench. Share this:FacebookXLike this:Like Loading... Read More
Family If nothing changes, Nothing Changes! June 7, 2024June 7, 2024 Follow us on Social Media facebook instagram You only have to look at your Facebook… Share this:FacebookXLike this:Like Loading... Read More